On Tuesday, March 5th the New Canaan Parent Support Group is hosting Kevin Sabet, Ph.D at Saxe Middle School Auditorium, 468 South Avenue, New Canaan. The reason for this event, entitled Reefer Sanity: Debunking the Myths About Marijuana, is to inform the public about the facts and clinical evidence as opposed to opinions. We’ve had an outstanding group of people …
Robin Lehner shows that there are many pathways…
Robin Lehner, goalie for the NY Islanders, wrote a touching story of his recovery from addiction and mental illness. As with all recoveries, he realized there were likely going to be bumps along the road. However, here he is moving into the #1 goalie slot for the Islanders, and helping to lead their resurgence. There is a great article in …
Yale New Haven Hospital Opens Addiction Consult Service
Glad to read this article–a week old–about Yale New Haven’s effort to bring an Addiction Consult Service to the inpatient floors of the hospital. Happy New Year to all! NEW HAVEN — Dr. Melissa Weimer is giving addiction medicine a much-needed prominent place in Yale New Haven Hospital’s health care arsenal. The medical director of the hospital’s new Addiction Medicine Consult Service, she …
More studies needed of Adolescent Brain
A John Hopkins study on the adolescent brain discusses how the increased incidence of schizophrenia and psychosis may take place following early use of marijuana. Clearly more work in this area needs to be done. We can ask Kevin Sabet about this on March 5th, 7PM at Saxe School Auditorium during our Marijuana: Facts vs Myths event. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/12/181217101747.htm
A Year of Accomplishments with help from Partners
I just wanted to leave a short note to recognize all those community partners that helped make 2018 a banner year for the New Canaan Parent Support Group. I’m thankful for: The organizations who provided speakers for our Pathway Series, which took place at the New Canaan YMCA: Adventure Recovery, Aware Recovery Care, Dr. Frank Bartolomeo, Center for Motivation & …
USA Today points to new statistics on alcohol-related deaths
Below are statistics that USA Today cites in an interesting article here. From 2007 to 2017, the number of deaths attributable to alcohol increased 35 percent to 88,000, according to a new analysis by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington. Deaths among women rose 85 percent. Deaths among men rose 29 percent. Deaths among people …
Moving to a Chronic Model of Treatment for Addiction
I recently had a meeting with John Hamilton, the new CEO of Liberation Programs. John has over thirty years’ experience in the addiction treatment & research field, with insightful views on prevention, intervention and recovery. Here are some key points from the meeting: 1. MAT – We need to get to where it’s common practice in all treatment centers that …
Summary of Last Night’s Pathway Session with Jeff Foote, PhD
On Wednesday, November 14th at the New Canaan YMCA, we sponsored a presentation by Jeff Foote, PhD, Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Center for Motivation and Change (CMC). Jeff founded CMC in 2003 with his long-time colleague Carrie Wilkens. Jeff has over 30 years’ experience in the addiction treatment and research field. He is Co-Author of Beyond Addiction: How Science …
Feedback from Ruth Potee visit was uniformly positive
Feedback from parents in attendance: Dr. Ruth did an outstanding job last evening, describing the risks to the Adolescent Brain. And somehow she found time to discuss intervention, treatment and recovery as well! Ruth is a true hero to be admired by all. For those who missed Ruth, her slide deck is here. We hope to follow up with a …
New Montreal Study on Marijuana Risks among Youth
Ahead of the New Canaan “Adolescent Brain” event on October 9th, comes news about a released study on adolescent marijuana use and cognition. https://nbcnews.to/2zVkSle