NHL Hockey Goalie Shares About Addiction and Bipolar Diagnosis

What touched me the most about Goalie Robin Lehner’s courageous sharing of his story of addiction and bipolar disorder, was how a chance meeting with a lawyer ended up pushing Robin over the edge to seeking help.  His pathway to recovery included therapy for co-occurring disorders, finding spirituality, and making amends to his wife and children for all he had …

Letter to the Editor: Thank You

We recently published a Letter to the Editor, thanking all of our community allies and supporters for helping make our 2nd Annual Overdose Awareness Vigil successful.  See below and here for the letter. Dear Editor: On behalf of the New Canaan Parent Support Group and New Canaan Community Foundation, I thank the people of our town for uniting together during …

Thanks to all for a successful #2

Just a post to thank to of those parents, Event Committee members and community allies who did such a great job in pulling off our 2nd Annual Overdose Awareness Vigil on Thursday, August 30th at 7PM.  Feel free to read the articles here and here, and our Channel 12 news feature here.

Nick deSpoelberch ahead of the Vigil

I have been honored to have Nick deSpoelberch as a partner for over 18 months. He’s helped so many parents with his encouraging words and the way he leads by example. See Nick here–in his own words–as we count down–6 days until the Vigil! #OverdoseAwarenessVigil #HelpingEachOtherToHeal

Our responsibility is to reach out, listen to people who are struggling

Thank you Rev. Rob Kinnally, for your touching Letter to the Editor in Last Thursday’s Advertiser.  The words are so hopeful and inspiring.  Only ten days left until the Overdose Awareness Vigil in downtown New Canaan.  #overdoseawarenessvigil Letter: Our responsibility to reach out, listen to persons with addiction  

Two great letters in support of the Overdose Awareness Vigil on August 30th

Over the last few weeks, two Letters to the Editor were published in the New Canaan Advertiser, in support of our 2nd Annual Overdose Awareness Vigil on August 30th at 7PM.  In the first one, Jenny speaks out openly about how addiction can be overwhelming to a family.  Yet recovery is possible with professional counseling, medical management and peer support.  …

Article about courageous woman just published…

I was thoroughly impressed by the article entitled “Savoring triumph as the heart wrenches” written by Grace Duffield in yesterday’s July 26 edition of the New Canaan Advertiser. It was courageous indeed for Barbara Reiniger to agree to an interview to discuss her own personal journey and her daughter’s tragic death by suicide. Barbara’s decision to tell her story reminds …

Follow-up Q&A to “Marijuana: Just the Facts” from June 4th

On Tuesday evening, May 8th at Saxe Auditorium, the New Canaan Parent Support Group and New Canaan Cares hosted Dr. Kevin Hill and a panel of experts to discuss marijuana—the medical facts and risks.  Dr. Hill—who is an Author, Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School and addiction psychiatrist–presented to an audience of local parents and concerned citizens. Following the presentation, …

Marijuana: Just the Facts Recap

Dr. Kevin Hill and local experts speak about marijuana facts On Tuesday, May 8th at Saxe Middle School, Dr. Kevin Hill, author and internationally-known marijuana expert, presented to parents and concerned citizens during an evening event entitled “Marijuana: Just the Facts.” Dr. Hill, author of the book Marijuana: The Unbiased Truth about the World’s Most Popular Weed, is also an …