Monthly Pathway Sessions
Following our 1st Annual Community Addiction Awareness Vigil in 2017, it became clear that there was a groundswell of interest in education and awareness. Based on the positive feedback, we initiated the Monthly Pathway Series in January of 2018. We also expanded our stated Mission beyond just parent support.
Next Pathway Session...
Pathway Session: Using Healthy Boundaries to Promote Recovery
The Goal of the Pathway Series
Similar to the Vigil, the pathway series is to talk openly about addiction and recovery topics, accessing the best possible speakers. We use clinicians, subject matter experts, and people in recovery to educate and share with parents and the broader community.
While during the pandemic our sessions were exclusively on Zoom, we now alternate between virtual and in-person events depending on the speaker. For instance, to get world experts on ADHD and recovery, we realized they are not going to travel and hosted those events over Zoom. We prefer in-person and encourage all to submit suggestions for potential speakers.
Sample Recorded Sessions
Below is a listing of the 40 sessions/topics we’ve covered since Day 1 of the Pathway Series: