The Power of Story Saves Lives

The New Canaan Parent Support Group was founded on the concept that addiction is a family disease —one that affects every member, including parents. Personally, I find immense gratitude in knowing that our support meetings offer a safe, confidential space where parents and families can find community and solace.

NCPSG is also based on authenticity and getting real. Too many people are becoming addicted–with some dying–to waste time with platitudes or groupthink. What we know in our behavioral health world is that every individual’s personal journey of recovery is different; there is no standard regimen of treatment.

This is where the “Power of Story” comes into play. Sharing experiences is not just a catchphrase; it’s a transformative concept. When a story is shared, several profound things happen at once:

  1. The Giver Benefits: The person sharing their story gains a sense of fulfillment from giving back and being of service.
  2. The Listener Learns: The listener absorbs valuable insights that may contribute to their own personal growth.
  3. Hope is Instilled: Even in the darkest times, hearing others’ journeys can instill hope and remind us that recovery is possible.

Authenticity and openness in a private conversation or meeting is powerful enough. An additional benefit is achieved when sharing stories openly in our community. An individual who speaks with vulnerability and courage touches a larger audience like no “expert” or “professor” every could. People listen, learn, and are inspired.

The Power of 100 Stories: yes, at NCPSG-hosted settings over one hundred brave individuals–parents, loved ones who struggled, and providers–have stepped forward to tell their stories. And having attended all of our Vigils and our other hosted events, I am convinced that for each story, ONE life on average has been saved.

100 Stories have saved 100 Lives? Really? Yes, I believe that from the bottom of my heart, even though I don’t have the “clinical evidence” to prove anything. I do have the anecdotes, and the personal feedback, and the gratitude from parents who have returned from the brink with the family unit thriving.

Multiplier Effect. As each storyteller finds success through touching and educating others, a true multiplier effect can take hold. Not only through success is the storyteller likely to speak again, but others are inspired to also step forward.

What will happen at this year’s Vigil when more brave souls step forward to share their testimonials? I submit that, for every story told, another life will be saved. The Vigil. The Stories. The Multiplier Effect. The Power of Story.

[To learn more about the 8th Annual Community Addiction Awareness Vigil in New Canaan, go to]