My expertise is helping adolescents, young adults, and adults struggling with trauma, depression, anxiety, or substance use disorders. I am trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, Mindfulness, and EMDR therapy. Having worked in psychiatric hospitals, school, residential treatment programs, intensive outpatient programs, and private practice, I am prepared to help you face and overcome any issues compromising your quality of life. I am dedicated to helping you through your challenges and passionate about offering an environment that is safe, supportive, and free of judgment. I have worked for eighteen years in the field of mental health and in addition to the issues above, have experience with impulse control, anger management, life transitions, and interpersonal relationships. I am in recovery from substance abuse and am passionate about getting you on the path to recovery and healing.
I bring a highly personalized and adaptable approach to work with clients. One treatment does not fit everyone, and I believe in assisting clients to see and use their own strengths to develop the most useful plan for their life. See for more information.
Nick deSpoelberch, LPC