I first met Aidan C. at one of our parent support meetings. At his mom’s invitation, he came to the meeting to share his story and give hope to other parents in the room. During his talk, he mentioned how 12-step meetings and service to others was important to his long-term sobriety and recovery. He also mentioned that the meetings with names like Old Enough and Young & Restless were the ones he especially enjoyed. He found that being sober and having fun were possible.
Aidan has agreed to speak at our August 29th Vigil, and we are grateful. Similar to Keri, one of speakers from last year, Aidan has never had a legal drink. He can now measure his recovery period in terms of years vs months. He has been known to do double workouts at the Y. He is Maitre D’/lead reservationist at a New Canaan restaurant, and is matriculated at Sacred Heart University to continue his education this Fall.
Thank you, Aidan for stepping up to share. You are appreciated.
Please join us at the Vigil, to hear Aidan, Ben and Cini (our ABC line-up) and be touched and inspired.
[For more information, go to our website ncparentsupportgroup.org or our blog post with FAQs about the Vigil.]