0:00 Intro by John Hamilton
1:20 Kevin Sabet starts speaking
4:30 Tobacco kills more than 10 times the amount of people who die of opioid overdose
11:30 Huge disconnect between the science of marijuana and the public perception
16:20 No one died from tobacco until automatic cigarette-making machines were invented
22:50 For every tobacco smoker today, there are 4 youth under 18 who are vaping
25:30 The body produces natural THC, but the external THC hits brain receptors like a sledge hammer
28:30 Of the people who try and like marijuana–a minority of the population—30% get addicted
34:30 Consumer branding (Pot-Tarts) and higher potency of today’s marijuana
35:30 Marijuana is not a natural plant anymore, it’s vaporized or consumed as waxes and oils.
38:15 Juul was originally a marijuana company; Philip Morris is buying a 30% stake.
41:00 Non-smoked marijuana has now surpassed smoked marijuana in demand.
41:30 Coors and Constellation Brands has joined Philip Morris in entering the THC product business
42:00 10% of population makes up 75% of the alcohol industry’s sales, each consuming 10 drinks/day
44:20 New studies using causation word to describe association of marijuana use and suicide risk
46:40 Association with depression and anxiety
47:40 Correlation with intelligence, education, employment, welfare dependency
54:00 Lancet Study – no substitute effect from increasing marijuana use to lower opioid dependency
58:10 This isn’t about hippies anymore–it’s about the wolves of Wall Street and Big Tobacco
59:00 In states that have legalized, you don’t know the potency or purity of the marijuana you buy
1:07:45 Most people who stop using drugs, stop because of an external motivator—not treatment
1:08:50 CBD is being marketed everywhere but most people don’t know what they’re getting.