Two great letters in support of the Overdose Awareness Vigil on August 30th

Over the last few weeks, two Letters to the Editor were published in the New Canaan Advertiser, in support of our 2nd Annual Overdose Awareness Vigil on August 30th at 7PM.  In the first one, Jenny speaks out openly about how addiction can be overwhelming to a family.  Yet recovery is possible with professional counseling, medical management and peer support.  Her own child is an example of that.  In the second Emma Kate Freatman, the Kids in Crisis Teen Talk Counselor at NCHS, emphasizes the Vigil’s tagline of Helping Each Other to Heal.  She asks all of us, to “reach out to someone close to you and ask for them to join you at the Vigil” because it shows there is hope in community support.  She concludes that her company Kids in Crisis has a 24-hour helpline for youth and their families.