“New Age” book on self-healing still resonates

Love, Medicine & Miracles covers many different approaches to self-healing. The book, published in 1986 by Bernie Siegel, MD discusses visualization and hypnosis among many other techniques including affirmations, relaxation exercises and meditation. Siegel is a storyteller, and he weaves many examples of his patients who survived and thrived despite battling cancer and other life-threatening diseases. While this book at age 35 is somewhat dated, it also describes a “holistic” partnership approach of patient and doctor working together to utilitize conventional and alternative approaches to healing.

I recommend this book for those looking for approaches that incorporate both the mind and body, despite its age. I also hope you will join us for our December 14, 7pm Pathway Session entitled “Can Acupuncture and Hypnotherapy Assist Recovery?” If you are interested in attending, register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAscuypqj4uEtfPICtDA1s-ocKo4c1jb4-U or go to ncparentsupportgroup.org.