Year-end Legislative Forum s/b Communities4Action.

Friendly reminder that the next quarterly meeting is our annual legislative forum on:

Monday, Dec 17th 10-noon at the Jewish Community Center, 1036 Newfield Ave.. Stamford

Networking 9:30-10 am and forum starts at 10!

We have had great response from elected officials representing communities in lower and mid Fairfield . This year our topics include: vaping, medical marijuana, marijuana, opioids, development of a dedicated prevention fund and discussion related to free play for kids. Some of the talking points for this forum were spearheaded at our Sept quarterly meeting

We have recommendations under each and as in previous years, information briefs are provided to panelists ahead of time.

Your presence, voice and participation is important for these issues and these forums have consistently resulted in policy change and/or recommendations for larger bills.

As we prepare packages for all who attend, please RSVP by Thursday, Dec 13th.

Thanks and I hope to see you there!


Ingrid Gillespie BPE MScCED


76 Progress Drive, Suite 235-I

Stamford, CT 06902

Ph: 203-588-0457


Member of Connecticut Prevention Network


Dec 17 2018


9:30 am - 12:00 pm


Stamford Jewish Community Center
1036 Newfield Avenue
QR Code

New Canaan Parent Support Group © 2018