Dear William: A Father’s Memoir of Addiction: Recovery, Love and Loss, by David Magee
David Magee is an incredible storyteller, who shares the story of his personal journey in this page-turner
of a book. Written in tribute to his son William, who died of an overdose, David recounts how addiction
impacted him and his relationships all throughout his life. With respect to his son, William, he shares the
guilt he feels when his son continues to relapse. He and his wife respond the same way each time, to
rescue him. Since his son’s passing, David has been on a quest to help others including himself, an
individual in long-term recovery and a husband who divorced and remarried William’s mom, Kent. A
second memoir was just released, called A Little Crazy. Recommend highly!
“Parents want so much good for their children that we’re practically sure we can see their rewarding
David Magee, Dear William
future, and we’ll push, consciously or unconsciously, for the path that aligns with our vision.”