Cini Shaw, August 29 Vigil Speaker

Cini Shaw is an amazing person who, like me, has seen tragedy from addiction in her family. She is a person in long-term recovery from substance use disorder, and is the Chief Recovery Officer at The Lighthouse Recovery Services in New Canaan.

It is hard for me to keep up with all the qualifications she’s attained and the extensive training and education she has undertaken. Cini is nationally-certified Peer Recovery Support Specialist and a Recovery Coach Trainer. At the Lighthouse, she supervises their network of recovery coaches and residential directors, as well as providing family support and coaching services.

Whenever I stop in at the Lighthouse offices at 34 Elm, I can usually find Cini hard at work meeting with clients, coaches or clinicians. She is an Executive Board member of Liberation Programs, and two years ago was name the Addiction Professional of the Year by Caron Treatment Centers.

Frankly, Cini and I are mutual admirers and she is a Giver who will always step forward when help is needed. Who else would volunteer to speak at the Vigil for a second time, but Cini?

I hope you will join us, to hear Cini’s story of long-term recovery, along with Aidan’s and Ben’s. I guess it’s the ABC‘s of Story Telling at the Vigil. Thank you, Cini, I appreciate you more than you know.