In fifth grade, my favorite subject was Vocabulary. I loved getting new vocabulary lists every week, writing each word down on a 3×5 index card with its respective definition on the back so I could quiz myself (sadly, none of my family members was quite as enthusiastic about vocabulary as I, so yes, I quizzed myself). My biggest heartbreak that year …
Parent Blog #7
It’s Thursday night and this week’s New Canaan Parent Support Group meeting just wrapped. I’m sitting here thinking about how many of us tend to say, “I’m sorry” or temper our frustrations and sometimes even our joys when we share. I second guess myself constantly. I wonder if my sharing how my son and I are in a good place, …
Parent Blog #6
By Cappy Waters “You never know how strong you can be, Until strong is all you can be” Starting with his birth and childhood, my son Scotty possessed a charismatic personality, along with athletic prowess, curiosity, confidence and kindness. Always the extreme risk-taker, he pushed the proverbial envelope to the max. Maybe this was an early warning sign of what …
Parents Blog #5
On our 26th wedding anniversary, my husband Rich answered the phone and it was the Norwalk Police Department. Our son Adam had been arrested for possession of heroin. We both were in complete shock! Thus, my journey into the world of addiction began. Heroin, I had foolishly believed, was the drug choice of junkies and homeless people—not a well-adjusted kid from Wilton. Here I …
Parents Blog #4
I was the ultimate enabler – the one who made everything “okay” again – even if okay only lasted for a little while. Over several exhausting years, my life was running interference for my son Andrew and protecting him from the world. I waited and hoped he would grow out of whatever phase he was in. During this time, as I tried …
Parents Blog #3
As I watched my son Robbie be handcuffed and taken away to jail, I was jolted. It was 2 a.m., and my firstborn —with a college degree and all the potential in the world — was arrested after totaling his car. This would be his 2ndDUI — a mandatory felony conviction. He had been a “party hearty” type of personality, meaning he drank, used substances and led a functional life of education and …
Parents Blog #2
It’s nearly Halloween. I don’t love this time of year. It’s not that I have anything against dressing up in costumes, trick-or treating, or even candy – fun-size Twix are my jam. It’s just that this time of year triggers a myriad of bad memories. I was at a pumpkin-carving party at my sister’s house just before Halloween in 2016. …
List of Therapists in New Canaan
With the help of several hard-working volunteers, we have created a first draft of a New Canaan Therapist Listing. Please download to view in Excel.
Parent Blog #1 from Dorothy
My son James is in long-term recovery and now 4 years clean and sober. While that is HIS accomplishment, I have traveled a parallel journey of recovery and have developed tools for MY own recovery. James was a happy, creative child growing up. He reminded me of Andy, the fictional boy in the movie Toy Story. However, James became very defiant …