Recovery Blog Post – Ben Tuff

Picture swimming in the ocean with no land in sight.  I have a paddleboarder and motorboat to my right, a motorboat to my left, and attached to my ankle is an Ocean Guardian* shark repellent: a three-foot-long meshed metal tail with a battery on the end that shocks me and the surrounding water every six seconds. This is what I …

January Pathway on Insurance a Big Success

On Wednesday, January 22, NCPSG hosted Joe Feldman, President of Cover My Mental Health, for a discussion on overcoming insurance obstacles to behavioral health care. After describing a number of specific actions that family members or loved ones can take, Joe answered questions from parents. Joe is a mental health advocate who is one of the few who can claim …

Resilient: How to Grow an Unshakable Core of Calm, Strength, and Happiness by Rick Hanson, PhD

Rick Hanson, PhD is a psychologist, author, and expert on positive neuroplasticity, who developed thisbook from his popular online course called The Foundations of Well-Being. In Resilient, he discusses 12different ‘tools’ which help activate inner strength and resilience of character. Each tool is a separatechapter, so I skipped around to chapters I particularly liked such as “Courage” and “Aspiration”. Thebook …

Recovery Blog Post – Cam

Five years ago, on Christmas Eve, my fifteen-year battle with addiction reached a critical breaking point. I was detoxing during a family gathering on my aunt and uncle’s couch after days of consecutive cocaine use, numbing myself with counterfeit pills I later discovered were laced with opiates, purchased from my dealer. My grandma turned to me and asked, “Are you …

Pathway Session on Failure to Launch a Big Success

On Tuesday, December 10, 2024, we hosted Uri Berger, PhD, for our last Pathway Session of the year. The Zoom session was a success, as the Failure to Launch (FTL) topic is timely and there were plenty of good questions during the Q&A. In our support group meetings, I have heard dozens and dozens of stories of young adult males …

Anchored: How to Befriend Your Nervous System Using Polyvagal Theory, by Deb Dana

While Stephen Porges is considered the father of Polyvagal Theory (PVT), author and clinician Deb Danais considered the leader in putting PVT concepts into practice. She believes that we all benefit when wehave a basic understanding of the way the nervous system works. In Anchored, Deb guides the reader to“befriend” your nervous system and use your “vagal brake” through exercises …

Recovery Blog Post – Pat

It is September 1 st of 2018; Labor Day weekend was meant to be spent in Rhode Island amongst longtime friends. Sun-soaked days at the beach followed by cooler nights around a fire pit. That was not how the weekend unfolded. Instead, it was spent lying in a hospital bed with pancreatitis. I would go on to spend almost a …

Pathway Session on Trauma and Polyvagal Theory a big success

On Wednesday, November 12, we hosted Maria Kratsios, LCSW, and Founder & Chief Clinical Officer of Nest Behavioral Health, for a Pathway Session on trauma. Maria is a well-respected psychologist, educator and speaker who is passionate about healing trauma using a holistic, polyvagal theory-based treatment approach. Maria set the stage for the Zoom session by first describing her own personal …

Profiles in Mental Health Courage, by Patrick J. Kennedy

Patrick Kennedy, who already authored a book about his own and his family’s challenges with mental health and substance use (Common Struggle), has crafted another touching book, written in the style of his uncle John F’s book Profiles in Courage. In this Profiles, there are 12 untold stories of individuals who struggled with their mental health and addiction. Included in these stories are …

Recovery Blog Post – Aidan

My name is Aidan, and I’m an addict. I grew up in New Canaan, to a single mother. Growingup I felt rather anxious, I didn’t have a lot of friends, and I got diagnosed with depression,anxiety and ADHD at a young age. Instant gratification was something I latched onto early. Mythoughts were intense and critical, I obsessed over what people …